Just Rattling On January 2004 @ Asteroid Blues

Just Rattling On

January 2004

Welcome to 2004 the New Year well 2003 was a blast at least for lraq ha ha I ate subway today get it. Know for real we spent 87 billion on the war and Osama Bin Laden is still on the run and Saddam got found in a hole. Also Arnold’s the governor California some one messed up there. and it was not Florida.There is only one more year of Bush Jr. or is it five you tell me. And the economy its down the toilet also there is a ton of Unemployment just don’t tell Bush Jr. he thinks everything is peachy. Johnny Cash died so did a lot of other famous people like John Ritter and Berry White also Jam Master J a DJ from Run DMC. In Iraq troops are dying every day to protect a country that don’t want them there. One more thing the world hates us.

MAD Magazine #437 The 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2003!

For More Go To www.madmag.com

01. California Recall: The Media Circus of stars

02. Britney and Madonna shamelessly swap spit THE KISS


04. D’OH! Jessica Replaces Homer As Tv’s Dumbest Simpson

05. Sammy Sosa’s Grand Sham

06. George W. BUSH Full Metal Jackass

07. Thinking Inside The Box Man Ships Himself Cross Country

08. Unfair and Imbalanced Fox News sues Al Franken

09. Jayson Butchers The New York Times: All The Lies he saw fit to print

10. GET A DOWNLOAD OF THIS The Music Industry Sues File Sharers

11. Rush Limbaugh Fumbles on ESPN

12. KOBE GIFTS HIS WIFE: The Fraud of the the Ring

13. AND THE WHINER IS…Michael Moore’s Oscar Speech

14. DIXIE CHICKS BACKLASH: Even Cowgirls get Boos


16. HILLARY’S STORY: First Lady and the Tramp

17. DEMI AND ASHTON: Dude, Where’s My P.R.?

18. STRAIGHT AND NARROW-MINDED: The Anti Gay Crusade ( Michael Savage Pat Robertson George W. Bush Antonin Scalia Rick Santorum) .

19. What Despicable Duo Died in Horrific Bomb This Year.

20. Homeland Security: The Duct Starts Here

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